
The Simplest way to make a Markdown wiki

Torchpad is a platform that allows you to create your own wiki site.
Structural Management

Structural Management

Manage your wiki pages clearly in tree structure, and easily link between pages.

Markdown Editor

Markdown Editor

Powerful editor lets you focus on writing! Torchpad supports GitHub Flavored Markdown, Mathjax, Wiki Syntax, Drag & Drop image uploader.

Work with team members

Work with team members

Invite your team members to collaborate with you. The wiki content can be written and edited by your team members.

Based on Git

Torchpad is based on Git. You can track any changes. Torchpad will allow you to download the git repository for backup.

Permission Control

Control the permission as you like. Hide something that you don't want to share, and share the rest easily.

Code Highlight

Torchpad supports code highlight for more than 100 languages.

Mobile APPs

Take your knowledge everywhere. iPhone and Android APPs Coming Soon!